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An Offer of Love and Grace, Like no Other

The magnificence of God’s grace and love for humanity is one that far exceeds the intellectual concepts of all of humankind. A magnitude of love that cannot be quantified by any scientific equation, formula, or hypothesis. Likewise, the level of love and grace cannot be determined or concluded in a philosophical, or metaphysical debate. The reality is that the book of Geneses confirms a beautiful truth, that we were all made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Moreover, the Psalmist reminds us that God the Father meticulously ensured that we were all fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

Thus, our heavenly Father was diligent in designing every human with unique and peculiar personalities that define our individualism, and personal philosophy. Consequently, some of us are quiet, while others are not so quiet. Likewise, some have traditional hairstyles and color, while others choose not so traditional hairstyles and color. Moreover, when God designed us, we were gifted with Human will, that is the capacity and freedom to make choices. In essence, humanity was given the ability to show affection and affinity to that which was deemed to be good or bad. Nonetheless, while humanity was created in God’s image and given the capacity of free will, there was still a susceptibility for humans to be deceived and influenced by fleshly urges that were not in alignment with God's moral standards. Ultimately, this has led to separation from God, and as some refer to it "The Fall of Humanity".

But and there is always a “but”, when God's children are in trouble or distress, we are reminded that we are speaking about "an offer of love and grace like no other". Thus, the familiar Bible verse John 3:16 reminds of the promise, that God so loved the world that he sent His only Son so that those who would believe would have eternal life. Likewise, 2nd Timothy 2:4 reminds us that God our Savior wants all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Accordingly, we can rest assured that God provides a pathway to reconciliation with humanity through the gift of Grace. Consequently, John Wesley embraced the helpful and useful concept of "Prevenient Grace" which reveals God's love towards humanity. Appropriately, “Prevenient Grace” demonstrates a gracious standing order offer of reconciliation with God if accepted. Moreover, it represents a grace that will allow for humanity to be cleansed of sin, through acceptance and belief in the Crucified Christ. Furthermore, grace allows for healing from human failings, and a spiritual transformation process.

Therefore, if we were to accept the gift of love and grace like no other, then we will be well primed to enter into the divine destiny that God has planned for every one of us. I conclude with this quote from John Wesley’s sermon “Original Sin” delivered in 1759, “By nature, ye are wholly corrupted; by grace ye shall be wholly renewed”.


Image Source: Brown Wooden Hand Emboss Decor. March 14, 2017.

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